The goal of this workshop is to address the issues most Pregnancy Help Organizations face serving minority communities with a predominantly white staff. Presented By: Toni Clarke
Without question survivors of sex trafficking are being served in pregnancy centers and maternity across the country. However, many caring service providers haven't been equipped with the knowledge and tools they will need to identify and care for these women or assist in healing the pain they have endured. Come learn how to identify and best serve these women and their children. Presented by Alia Dewees and Brittany Dunn, MBA
You want to be obedient to God’s call on your life, but you are suffering. In this workshop we will explore what God’s Word says about serving while suffering. Presented by: Melissa Heiland
Describe Human Trafficking, the relationship to abortion and the potential dangers with abortion pills. Discuss how APR can play a pivotal role in this process.
Presented By: Shantae Rodriguez This course offers continuing education contact hours for nurses. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1 contact hour.
Freeing women from sexual exploitation is essential in stopping abortions. This workshop will show how to create an outreach for women trapped in the devastating cycle of sexual exploitation. Presented by: Karla Sutter
To encourage and equip staff in the pregnancy help centers to include sexual health and relationship information in the counseling setting for clients with both positive and negative pregnancy testing, or who are giving STI testing.
The goal of this workshop is to equip you to talk about sexual activity with clients and youth without fear or shame through a framework that is research-based, biblically sound, and culturally relevant. Presented by Amy Posterick, MAE