Heartbeat Academy
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Preventing Forced Abortion from The Justice Foundation

This recorded webinar offers 1 hour of LAS credit.


Progesterone Safety

This course offers continuing education contact hours for nurses. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1.0 contact hours. 


ProLife: A Question of Worth

The goal of this workshop is to acknowledge that each of us have an inherent worth and dignity from the moment of conception to natural death. Presented by: Cynthia Wood


ProLife: A Question of Worth

The goal of this workshop is to acknowledge that each of us have an inherent worth and dignity from the moment of conception to natural death. Presented By: Cynthia Wood


Protecting Minors from Trans-On-Demand Interventions

The goal of this workshop is to share the overwhelming research findings that debunk the alleged need for puberty blockers, cross-sex- hormones, and surgeries for gender-confused youth. In addition, how to guide adolescents through the challenges of puberty along with how to use compelling research and rhetoric to educate parents, school administrators and policymakers to protect youth from trans-on-demand activism will also be discussed. Presented by Mary Anne Mosack B.A., SRAST


Protecting the Religious Freedom of Your Pregnancy Center

1 hr recorded webinar presented by Kevin Theriot, Senior Counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom


Protecting Your Pregnancy Help Organization

In this presentation, you will hear examples of legal challenges other ministries around the country are facing; how your pregnancy center may be vulnerable to similar threats; and what you can do to secure crucial legal protections to help you prevail in the legal challenges that are sure to come. Presented by: Kevin Theriot


Providing Culturally Sensitive Care to Hispanic Women

The goal of this workshop is to educate and empower pregnancy center staff to feel more culturally confident and equipped with when serving abortion vulnerable Hispanic women in their community. Presented by Christy Stewart, MSN, FNP-BC and Emily Ratliff


Public Speaking Anxiety

This 1 hour recorded webinar discusses what public speaking anxiety is and tips for overcoming it!


Raising Funds Fast


Do you need to raise a lot of money fast, but don't know how to get started? If you are looking to raise start up funds or funds for a matching grant opportunity then this session is for you. 

This webinar touches on not only the “whos” and “hows” of asking, but also the "whens" and "whys." You’ll find out keys to making decisions on whether to have an event to help you raise these funds, and how to make it fit your specific needs.



Raising Major Gifts Out of Your Database

How to raise major gifts from supporters already on your list using Biblical fundraising principles. Presented by: Haley Limo


Raising the Standard


The Commitment of Care and Competence serves as the ethical code of practice for pregnancy help organizations. As the moral compass that guides how we conduct ourselves at every level of the organization, how often do we think about what the Commitment of Care and Competence (CCC) means for our daily interactions, or even what it actually says? 

 This course will not only cover what the CCC says and what it means, but will go through how it is meant to influence the work being done daily in your Pregnancy Help Organization. This course is approximately one (1) hour and includes a quiz. Both the training and quiz must be completed to earn a completion certificate.

Because Heartbeat views this information as vital for all Pregnancy Help staff, this course is complimentary for Heartbeat Affiliates.



Reaching Abortion Minded Women in the Consulting Room

This training is presented by Beth Diemert, LAS - Heartbeat Academy Faculty and offers one hour of Life Affirming Specialist credit.


Reaching Abortion-Minded Women with Mobile Medical

The rise of chemical abortion has changed the landscape served by pregnancy centers, many women are making the abortion decision sitting in front of their computer, with out seeking alternatives . Be where abortion minded women do life when the life decisions are being made, so you can catch the essential opportunity to engage these women in the moment of decision. Presented by: Greg Vanbuskirk
