Displaying items by tag: grants

The Empower Life Grant: Frequently Asked Questions for Applicants

Key Dates

Fall 2024 Empower Life Grant application window opens August 5

Where do I apply?

Whether you've applied in the past or are applying now for the first time, the application is only available once you've completed the tutorial. Once you have completed the training, you will be able to click through to the full grant application for the current application window. The training is short, simple, and designed to help you show your organization in the best light possible for this grant (and hopefully others!). If you've applied before, pay close attention to recent clarifications as we continue to improve our process. Just remember to use the passcode from your email invitation!

How much time will I need to dedicate to this grant application?

In many ways, this depends on how easily you are able to pull stats for your center. It can take more or less time depending on whether you’ve done similar applications in the past or how you keep your budget and client information. Assuming your statistics are not too difficult to gather, we expect the entire process from the time you start the training to the time you submit an application to take about 90 minutes.

Tell me more about the training/tutorial. 

We know that many pregnancy help centers have not had the opportunity to spend the time and energy to apply for a grant. Or perhaps you did once, but didn’t get the grant and haven’t tried again. That’s why we’ve made it as simple as we possibly can to represent your organization well for the Empower Life Grant in particular, and other donors or grantors in the future. The training is a brief walkthrough of how to put your best foot forward when applying for grants that specifically address categorizing expenses appropriately and arming yourself with powerful metrics. With these tools, you’re that much closer to winning any grant proposal - and it makes the Empower Life Grant application easy. 

Where do I find my passcode?

Check your invitation email for your unique application passcode. You should be able to find your invitation by searching "Empower Life Grant" and looking for an email from our Vice President, Tracie Shellhouse. The passcode allows you to access your organization's personal application, which means you can start today, save your progress, and finish tomorrow if you need to. 

Why doesn't my passcode work?

First, confirm that the passcode you've entered matches the code provided in your invitation email. If you still receive a message that your passcode is invalid, confirm that the current application window is open for organizations in your state (see map below). If you still believe there is an error and your passcode is not allowing you to progress, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance completing this application.


I'm confused about program expenses. What are program expenses and what is overhead?

Here's the short answer: program expenses are costs related to direct service of your clients, while overhead is not. There are easy expenses (like your curriculum, pregnancy tests, or ultrasound machine) that you know should go under program expenses, but don’t forget to include the salary of staff members providing client services or the cost of space where you provide services. For example, if your executive director works 25% of the time with clients and 75% of the time fundraising, put 25% of her salary under program expenses. You can also do this with your building. If 60% of your space is used directly in client services, you should allocate 60% of your rent or mortgage payment to program expenses. Insurance and membership dues are not program expenses since they do not directly serve clients. Have you read Jor-El's explanation of overhead and the reason major donors ask this question? Click here to read more! 

I'm getting an error in the At-Risk Client Intentions section. What am I doing wrong?

The client intentions you are reporting on should only be those that were at-risk, so the total number of life, abortion, and unknown/undecided intentions should total the number of at-risk clients in the above section. If these numbers do not match, you will get an error! (NOTE: The number will not match your reported number of pregnancy tests.)

How much am I likely to receive if I do get a grant?

If an organization receives the Empower Life Grant, the minimum amount they will receive is $2,500 in operational funds. Some organizations receive $5,000, $10,000 or even more at the donor’s discretion.


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Empower Life Grant

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button frequently asked questions

The Empower Life Grant is an invitation-only, operational grant intended to empower both organizations and their clients to transform their communities for life. Good candidates for the Empower Life Grant are Heartbeat International Affiliates in full agreement with the Commitment of Care and Competence (particularly the birth control statement), are committed to sharing the Gospel with clients, and serve primarily clients at-risk for abortion. The commitment to sharing Christ with clients is very close to the heart of the anonymous donor and will play a role in which organizations receive grants. Applicants for this grant receive training on representing their organization well to grantors as well as a complete checklist of what they need for the application. Over $5 million in grant funds have been distributed to more than 500 pregnancy help organizations so far!

The map below shows when organizations in the United States should expect to receive an invitation to apply. Cycles are named for when grant monies are distributed. The Spring application window typically opens in January and they Fall application window typically opens in August. 


Questions about the Empower Life Grant should be directed to Camille Cisneros at ccisneros@heartbeatinternational.org 

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The Empower Life Grant: Frequently Asked Questions

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Key Dates

  • The Spring 2025 Empower Life Grant application window opens January 13
  • Spring 2025 Empower Life Grant applications are due by February 14

Before You Apply

What qualifies my organization for this grant? Are we a good candidate?

The Empower Life Grant is available to pregnancy centers that are affiliated with Heartbeat International, are complying with the Commitment of Care and Competence, and are committed to sharing the Gospel with clients. The pregnancy center must also have a mission focused on clients at risk for abortion. The goal of sharing Christ with clients and agreement in particular with the birth control statement in the CCC are very close to the heart of the anonymous donor. The Empower Life Grant is not currently available to maternity homes or abortion recovery organizations.

Is this a grant just for new pregnancy centers? What if I’m serving in a rural area? An urban area?

 No! Whether well-established or very new and whatever demographic you’re serving, if your center qualifies (by the criteria above), we encourage you to apply!

Why haven’t I been invited to apply yet?

As of 2024, pregnancy help centers in all 50 states and Washington, DC have been invited to apply at least once. What state your organization is in will determine whether you receive an application in the Spring or Fall cycle (see map below). If your pregnancy center is located in the United States and has not had the opportunity to apply for the grant, Heartbeat may not have your updated contact information. You can confirm your organization’s or your personal contact information from your Affiliate Dashboard if you are a current affiliate of Heartbeat. Reach out to Camille Cisneros at ccisneros@heartbeatinternational.org if you think your pregnancy center may qualify but hasn’t received an invitation.


What if my organization is a pregnancy center that has a maternity home?

Pregnancy centers that happen to run maternity homes are welcome to apply, but are asked to only include client statistics and financial information that apply to the pregnancy center portion of your ministry in the application. Additionally, if a grant is awarded, the funds are to be used for general operating expenses for the pregnancy center.

I am based in the United States, but I have international satellite offices. Can I still apply?

As long as you are incorporated in the United States and offer active client services through a physical location in the US (whether brick-and-mortar or mobile unit), you are welcome to apply during the appropriate cycle for your state. However, the anonymous donor requires that client statistics and financial information provided in the application include only the US portion of your ministry. Additionally, if a grant is awarded, the funds are to be used for general operating expenses for the US portion of your ministry.

How much am I likely to receive if I do get a grant?

If an organization receives the Empower Life Grant, the minimum amount they will receive is $2,500 in operational funds. Some organizations receive $5,000, $10,000 or even more at the donor’s discretion.

Getting Ready to Apply

Where exactly do I apply?

Whether you've applied in the past or are applying now for the first time, the application is only available once you've completed the tutorial. Once you have completed the training, you will be able to click through to the full grant application for the current application window. The training is short, simple, and designed to help you show your organization in the best light possible for this grant (and hopefully others!). If you've applied before, pay close attention to recent clarifications as we continue to improve our process. Just remember to use the passcode from your email invitation!

Tell me more about the training/tutorial. 

We know that many pregnancy help centers have not had the opportunity to spend the time and energy to apply for a grant. Or perhaps you did once, but didn’t get the grant and haven’t tried again. That’s why we’ve made it as simple as we possibly can to represent your organization well for the Empower Life Grant in particular, and other donors or grantors in the future. The training is a brief walkthrough of how to put your best foot forward when applying for grants that specifically addresses categorizing expenses appropriately and arming yourself with powerful metrics. With these tools, you’re that much closer to winning any grant proposal - and it makes the Empower Life Grant application easy. 

How much time will I need to dedicate to this grant application?

In many ways, this depends on how easily you are able to pull stats for your center. It can take more or less time depending on whether you’ve done similar applications in the past or how you keep your budget and client information. Assuming your statistics are not too difficult to gather, we expect the entire process from the time you start the training to the time you submit an application to take about 90 minutes.

Application Questions

Where do I find my passcode?

Check your invitation email for your unique application passcode. You should be able to find your invitation by searching "Empower Life Grant" and looking for an email from our Vice President, Tracie Shellhouse. The passcode allows you to access your organization's personal application, which means you can start today, save your progress, and finish tomorrow if you need to. 

Why doesn't my passcode work?

First, confirm that the passcode you've entered matches the code provided in your invitation email. If you still receive a message that your passcode is invalid, confirm that the current application window is open for organizations in your state (see map above). If you still believe there is an error and your passcode is not allowing you to progress, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance completing this application.

I'm confused about program expenses. What are program expenses and what is overhead?

Here's the short answer: program expenses are costs related to direct service of your clients, while overhead is not. There are easy expenses (like your curriculum, pregnancy tests, or ultrasound machine) that you know should go under program expenses, but don’t forget to include the salary of staff members providing client services or the cost of space where you provide services. For example, if your executive director works 25% of the time with clients and 75% of the time fundraising, put 25% of her salary under program expenses. You can also do this with your building. If 60% of your space is used directly in client services, you should allocate 60% of your rent or mortgage payment to program expenses. Insurance and membership dues are not program expenses since they do not directly serve clients. Have you read Jor-El's explanation of overhead and the reason major donors ask this question? Click here to read more! (Pro tip: This topic is explored in great detail in the grant training.)

I'm getting an error in the At-Risk Client Intentions section. What am I doing wrong?

The client intentions you are reporting on should only be those that were at-risk, so the total number of life, abortion, and unknown/undecided intentions should total the number of at-risk clients in the above section. If these numbers do not match, you will get an error! (NOTE: The number will not match your reported number of pregnancy tests.)

After You've Applied

How do I know if Heartbeat received my grant application?

After completing and submitting your application, you will receive an email confirmation. If for any reason you're not confident your application was successfully submitted, contact Camille Cisneros at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

How will I know if my organization receives a grant?

When the application window closes, the anonymous donor will choose grant recipients from the pool of qualified applicants and notify Heartbeat who will receive grants. We will then notify applicants whether they will receive grants or not for the current cycle (typically in May for the Spring or November for the Fall). More specific dates are provided in your invitation email.

When will I receive my grant award?

Grant monies are typically awarded in May for the Spring cycle or December for the Fall cycle. 

Are there any reporting requirements?

A year-end report will be required and details are provided to those who receive grants at the time of award.

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