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Creating a Seamless Referral Process from Center to Home

1 hr webinar presented by Valerie Humes and Mark McDougal


Adding a Home to Your Pregnancy Center

Residential care is being identified as a pressing need across the country and pregnancy help organizations are discerning their ability to meet this need. This workshop will provide a high-level look at maternity housing in the US and give context and practical content to help pregnancy centers in the exploration phase of housing. Presented by: Mary Peterson


Aftercare for Maternity Homes and Community-Based Services

1 hour webinar. Presented by Gina Tomes of Maternity Home Consulting


Back from Burnout

The goal of this workshop is to draw attention to the reality of our humanity and the intense demands that maternity housing work places on us. We are all susceptible to burn out no matter how much we love what we do. Burnout does not have to end in walking away, but with the proper support, rest, and changes you can come back and lead with renewed strength from God and be even better equipped to do the work God has called you to do. Presented by: Vicki Krnac


Building Stability Around Her: Adding a Housing Program to your PHO

This recorded webinar is an online resource that will give you access to the 1.5 hour panel discussion.


Chemical Abortion: The Uninvited Guest in Maternity Homes

1 hr recorded webinar
Presented by Brooke Myrick BSN, RN, LAS and Kelly McCallister BSN, RN, LAS
Healthcare Team Managers
Heartbeat International

Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1 contact hour.


Community Needs Assessment for Startup Homes

1 hour recorded webinar.
Presented by Valerie Harkins


Considerations for Expansion

1 hour recorded webinar.




De-Escalation Strategies

1 hour recorded webinar.



Determining Needs and Goals of your Residents

In this training, we will discuss using standards and outcomes based measurements to determine needs and goals for your residents. The results should then guide your staff to design the learning environment of the home so that the residents are set up for success!

Presented by Vicki Krnac, M.Ed., CALT, QI, Executive Director of Hannah's House.

 Click here for available subscriptions.


Doing Life Together

Life is not meant to be done alone, especially when in crisis. Faced with unplanned and often unwanted pregnancies, it is essential that we walk alongside pregnant, single mothers and provide a pro-love community that seeks to build authentic relationships with them, journeying alongside them in their quests for restoration and wholeness. Presented by: Monica Flynn
